Seaview has a passion for partnering with Missionaries both locally and globally.
Dan and Donna have a passion for ministry in missions: teaching, mentoring, building capacity and preaching in Liberia, West Africa, that will bring the Good News of the Gospel to the lost. They have ministered in Liberia since January 2012 and are currently the only PAOC Global Workers in Liberia.
Linda has served in International Missions since 1983, initially at the PAOC International office. She moved with her family to Uganda in 2005 to work with Watoto Child Care Ministries, returning to Canada in 2011. In 2015 she began working with the Pentecostal Assemblies of God in Uganda with a focus on discipleship and young adult ministry.
Over 44% of the Tanzanian population still struggles with extreme poverty. As the director for Villages of Hope (VOH) Mwanza, Tanzania, my team of 80 and I seek to care for over 1,200 children across the country, by offering them Christ-centred nutrition, healthcare, education, and discipleship programs.
Metro Kids Society exists to give kids a chance. We operate free programs for children, preteens, and youth in vulnerable neighbourhoods. We want to empower at-risk kids and youth with hope to lead lives of significance.
Led by Joseph Booth, Globex is responsible for distributing gospel-based resources to schools in Guatemala.
Summit Pacific College exists to educate, equip and enrich Christians for Spirit-empowered ministry in the Church and in the world.